Our goal at Levara is to help everyone suffering from opioid addiction, regardless of financial status.
We chose to establish ourselves as a 501 ( c)(3) organization because:
Patients who are addicted to opioids usually have limited financial resources and thus would not be able to afford the Medical Assisted Treatment to assist in weaning patient off of Opioids, so that they can recover from their addiction.
Therefore, by Levara Health becoming a 501 ( c)(3), Levara Health will be able to do the following:
- Receive charitable contributions to financially assist patients in the treatment of their addiction.
- Apply for Grants in regard to various aspects of Opioid addictions
- Awareness
- Treatment
- Community Based Programming
Thank you for considering a donation to Levara Health. With your tax deductible contribution you will be assisting individuals on their road to recovery.
Thank you,
Irv Schwarzbaum,CEO
Levara Health Inc